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Here you can find some FREE usefull Classic ASP / VBScript code snippets, class modules, etc.
I use then myself on most of my projects, so you can rest assured they were optimized over time and are very reliable.
You can use them on your personal or commercial projects.
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Encode and Decode String File IO Misc
Function Format(Variant,String)String This is a very usefull function that you can find on VB but not on ASP (VBScript)
I've implemented it to fill most of my formatting needs (dates and numbers), but it's not a full implementation of VB's Format function.
Please note that you must hard-code the constant values for digit separators, month names, etc., according to your country or needs.

Usage Format (Value, Mask) Value - Numeric or Date value
Mask - Formatting mask
Numeric value mask format: # - Any number ; 0 - Number or zero
Date value mask format: yyyy - 4 digit year ; yy - 2 digit year ; MM - Month number ; MMM - Month name ; dd - Day number ; DD - Weekday ; HH - Hour ; mm - Minute ; ss - Second
response.write Format(12345,"0,00") ' will output 12345,00
response.write Format(12345,"#.0,00") ' will output 12.345,00
response.write Format(12.345,"0,00") ' will output 12,34 (note that unlike VB's Format function the this function will not round up decimals)

response.write Format(cdate("2011-03-01 12:30:45"),"dd-MM-yyyy") ' will output 01-03-2011
response.write Format(cdate("2011-03-01 12:30:45"),"MMM yyyy, day dd") ' will output March 2011, day 01

Source Code
Public Function Format(vl, msk)
Dim a, tmp, i, ires, dres, svl, dsep, gsep, n, m, gflag, sflag

' Set this values according to your preferences
Const decimalSeparatorDigit = ","
Const groupingDigit = "."
Const weekDays = "Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday"
Const monthNames = "January;February;March;April;May;June;July;August;September; October;November;December"

If IsDate(vl) Then
   tmp = msk
   If InStr(tmp, "yy") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "yy", "YY")
   If InStr(tmp, "hh") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "hh", "HH")
   If InStr(tmp, "YYYY") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "YYYY", Format(Year(vl), "0000"))
   If InStr(tmp, "YY") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "YY", Format(Right(Year(vl), 2), "00"))
   If InStr(tmp, "MMM") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "MMM", Split(monthNames, ";")(Month(vl)))
   If InStr(tmp, "MM") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "MM", Format(Month(vl), "00"))
   If InStr(tmp, "DD") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "DD", Split(weekDays, ";")(Weekday(vl, 2) - 1))
   If InStr(tmp, "dd") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "dd", Format(Day(vl), "00"))
   If InStr(tmp, "HH") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "HH", Format(Hour(vl), "00"))
   If InStr(tmp, "mm") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "mm", Format(Minute(vl), "00"))
   If InStr(tmp, "ss") > 0 Then tmp = Replace(tmp, "ss", Format(Second(vl), "00"))
   Format = tmp: Exit Function
   End If

If IsNumeric(vl) Then
   dsep = Mid(CStr(0.5), 2, 1): If dsep = "." Then gsep = "," Else gsep = "."
   sflag = (dsep <> decimalSeparatorDigit Or gsep <> groupingDigit)
   svl = CStr(CCur(vl)): If InStr(svl, dsep) = 0 Then svl = svl & dsep & "0"
   n = Split(svl, dsep)
   If sflag Then
      If InStr(msk, decimalSeparatorDigit) > 0 Then msk = Replace(msk, decimalSeparatorDigit, Chr(0))
      If InStr(msk, groupingDigit) > 0 Then msk = Replace(msk, groupingDigit, Chr(1))
      If InStr(msk, Chr(0)) > 0 Then msk = Replace(msk, Chr(0), dsep)
      If InStr(msk, Chr(1)) > 0 Then msk = Replace(msk, Chr(1), gsep)
      End If
   If InStr(msk, dsep) = 0 Then msk = msk & dsep
   m = Split(msk, dsep)
   If InStr(m(0), gsep) > 0 Then
      gflag = True: m(0) = Replace(m(0), gsep, "")
      gflag = False
      End If
   For i = Len(m(0)) To 1 Step -1
      Select Case Mid(m(0), i, 1)
      Case "#"
         If n(0) > "" Then
            If CLng(n(0)) = 0 Then
               a = ""
               a = CLng(n(0)): n(0) = ""
               End If
            End If
      Case "0"
         a = Right(n(0), 1): If n(0) > "" Then n(0) = Left(n(0), Len(n(0)) - 1)
         If a = "" Then a = "0"
      Case Else
         a = Mid(m(0), i, 1)
      End Select
      ires = a & ires
   If n(0) > "" Then ires = n(0) & ires
   If gflag Then
      i = 0
      Do While ires > ""
         i = i + 1: tmp = Right(ires, 1) & tmp: ires = Left(ires, Len(ires) - 1)
         If i = 3 And IsNumeric(Right(ires, 1)) Then tmp = gsep & tmp: i = 0
      ires = tmp
      End If
   For i = 1 To Len(m(1))
      Select Case Mid(m(1), i, 1)
      Case "#"
         If CLng(n(1)) = 0 Then a = "" Else a = CLng(n(1))
      Case "0"
         a = Left(n(1), 1): If n(1) > "" Then n(1) = Mid(n(1), 2)
         If a = "" Then a = "0"
      Case Else
         a = Mid(m(1), i, 1)
      End Select
      dres = dres & a
   If dres > "" Then ires = ires & dsep & dres
   If sflag Then
      If InStr(ires, dsep) > 0 Then ires = Replace(ires, dsep, Chr(0))
      If InStr(ires, gsep) > 0 Then ires = Replace(ires, gsep, Chr(1))
      If InStr(ires, Chr(0)) > 0 Then ires = Replace(ires, Chr(0), decimalSeparatorDigit)
      If InStr(ires, Chr(1)) > 0 Then ires = Replace(ires, Chr(1), groupingDigit)
      End If
   Format = ires
   End If
End Function