Here you can find some FREE usefull Classic ASP / VBScript code snippets, class modules, etc.
Class Base64
Simple base-64 encode and decode class.
Encode (string_to_encode) Method
Encode a String to base-64 and returns the encoded String.
Decode (base64_encoded_string) Method
Decodes a base-64 encoded String and returns de decoded String.
<% dim b64, my_string,ms_encoded, ms_decoded my_string = "This is my String! Take good care of it!" set b64 = new Base64 ms_encoded=b64.Encode(my_string) ms_decoded=b64.Decode(ms_encoded) response.write "Original string: " & my_string & "<br>" response.write "Encoded string: " & ms_encoded & "<br>" response.write "Decoded string: " & ms_Decoded & "<br>" set b64 = nothing %> Source Code <%
Class Base64 dim b64Dic Public Function Decode(byval s) Dim w1, w2, w3, w4, n, res, i, cc redim res(0): i=0 for n=1 to len(s) step 4 cc=mid(s,n,1): if cc="" then w1=-1 else w1=inStr(b64Dic,cc)-1 cc=mid(s,n+1,1): if cc="" then w2=-1 else w2=inStr(b64Dic,cc)-1 cc=mid(s,n+2,1): if cc="" then w3=-1 else w3=inStr(b64Dic,cc)-1 cc=mid(s,n+3,1): if cc="" then w4=-1 else w4=inStr(b64Dic,cc)-1 if w2>=0 then redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 res(i-1)=chr(((w1*4+int(w2/16)) and 255)) end if if w3>=0 then redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 res(i-1)=chr(((w2*16+int(w3/4)) and 255)) end if if w4>=0 then redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 res(i-1)=chr(((w3*64+w4) and 255)) end if Next Decode = join(res,"") redim res(0): erase res End Function Public Function Encode(byval s) Dim res, i, c1, c2, c3, w1, w2, w3, w4, n redim res(0): i=0 for n=1 to len(s) step 3 c1=asc(mid(s,n,1)): c2=asc(mid(s,n+1,1)+chr(0)): c3=asc(mid(s,n+2,1)+chr(0)) w1=int(c1/4): w2=(c1 and 3)*16+int(c2/16) if len(s)>=n+1 then w3=(c2 and 15)*4+int(c3/64) else w3=-1 if len(s)>=n+2 then w4=c3 and 63 else w4=-1 redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 if w1>=0 then res(i-1)=mid(b64Dic,w1+1,1) redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 if w2>=0 then res(i-1)=mid(b64Dic,w2+1,1) redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 if w3>=0 then res(i-1)=mid(b64Dic,w3+1,1) redim preserve res(i): i=i+1 if w4>=0 then res(i-1)=mid(b64Dic,w4+1,1) next Encode = join(res,"") redim res(0): erase res End Function private sub Class_Initialize() b64Dic = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" end sub End Class %> |